PM Skerrit Reports Successful Promotional Tour for CBI Programme
The Hon Prime Minister, Dr. Roosevelt Skerrit is reporting that his recent trip to promote Dominica’s Citizenship by Investment programme was highly successful.
Last week, Hon Skerrit led a delegation of nine Dominicans on a series of trips to in the hopes of meeting and attaining prospective investors for Dominica.
At a press conference on Friday November 18th, the Hon Prime Minister said he was pleased with the outcome of his recent promotional travels as this achieved the objective of keeping Dominica out-front as the premier destination in the region for the CBI programme.
“In two words I would say the trip was ‘very successful’, he said. “It was a success because we achieved our objective of propelling and keeping Dominica out front as the premiere destination in the region for investment in what is commonly referred to as Citizenship by Investment. As has been our practice over the last few years we organised a series of promotional events in the market place.”
Dominica has one of the world’s most reputable Citizenship by Investment programmes, which offers prudent investors the ability to access the world through a trusted and affordable route to a second citizenship.
Hon Skerrit highlighted that the process for attracting investors into the Caribbean has become an increasingly competitive one and hence the need for promotional travels.
He says it is important for investors to meet and understand the leaders of promoted countries.
“Dominica in and by itself does not possess any major advantages over its competitors. Potential investors are not going to opt for Dominica because of how its name is spelt or that it has more rivers than any other. You need to go to the marketplace ever so often and sell your product; you need to bring a human face to the destination,” he stated.
On his recent trip, the nation’s leader met with several prospective investors and reports he is indeed happy with the outcomes.
“In two weeks I visited over four countries and interfaced with scores of groups of individuals eager and excited to learn more about Dominica and to invest in the development of this country,” he explained. “I am confident that we shall reach our budgetary targets this year. The Government of Dominica is being vilified today because earnings from Dominica’s CBI programme are way, way up. I am happy to report on the success of our promotional visit and to tell you that the name and image of Dominica in the marketplace is as strong, attractive and appealing as ever and that I am confident that our programme will continue to be the programme of choice for discerning investors wanting to be associated with this hallowed region we call the Caribbean,” he stated.
The CBI programme of Dominica has been operating since 1993 and is legally entrenched in the Dominican constitution and the Citizenship Act.