Complaint Form
The IMC takes the reputation of the industry very seriously and is empowered by its statute and by-laws to take corrective action against its members that are proven to break the IMC Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and or the IMC Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy.
If you believe you have seen or experienced behaviour that is judged inappropriate, then please complete the form below to file a complaint with the IMC.
Please only send documents directly relevant to your complaint. A large volume of unnecessary documentation may delay the review stage of the complaint. The IMC seeks to ensure objectivity and fundamental fairness to all individuals who may be parties to a complaint arising under the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. If you are unsure about your complaints validity, please seek further guidance directly through the secretariat using this form. Each complaint is recorded and evaluated according to the IMC Disciplinary Rules and Procedures.
Kindly note that the IMC only has jurisdiction over its own members, however we may be able to review complaints about non members within the industry.