Call For Expression Of Interest

To establish a working group to assist the IMC with drafting a ‘Code of Standards for Responsible Advertising and Marketing’

Published: 23 September 2020

Deadline: 7 October 2020


The IMC is researching the possibility of establishing a comprehensive set of standards for responsible advertising and marketing of investment migration programmes. Such standards would enhance our governance system that is already in place through the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and the Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy, and would be applicable to all IMC members.

The aim of the IMC Advertising and Marketing Code would be twofold: to contribute towards global standardisation of advertising and marketing standards in the field of investment migration; and to ensure responsible and truthful presentation of investment migration programmes around the world.

The Advertising and Marketing Code would build on thorough research on the subject matter, as well as on the experiences and best practices of the IMC members.

Who is invited?

This call for expression of interest is primarily intended for IMC Members who have experience with advertising and marketing of investment migration programmes. Other interested parties, including representatives of governments, international organisations, and the civil sector, are also encouraged to register their interest to participate in the work of the working group.

How to register?

By email: [email protected]

Subject line: Advertising and Marketing Code Working Group

Closing date for applications is the 7th October 2020 for an immediate start through a virtual environment.

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