Changes to Citizenship by Investment Regulations: Saint Lucia

On December 22nd, 2016, the minister to whom citizenship-by- investment is assigned signed a statutory instrument making amendments to the Citizenship-by-Investment Regulations No. 89 of 2015.

At this time, these are the only changes that have been made to the Citizenship-by-Investment legislation.

Please see below the full text of the changes made.   

In exercise of the power conferred under section 40 of the Citizenship-by-lnvestment Act, No. 14 of 2015, the Minister responsible for the Citizenship-by-Investment Programme is assigned makes these Regulations:

Citation and commencement

  1. (1) These Regulations may be cited as the Citizenship-by-lnvestment (Amendment) Regulations, 2016.

(2) These Regulations shall come into force on the 1st day of January, 2017.


  1. In these Regulations, “principal Regulations” means the   Citizenship-by-Investment Regulations, No. 89 of 2015.

Amendment of regulation 7

  1. Regulation 7 of the principal Regulations is  amended by  revoking sub-regulations (3) and (7).

Amendment of regulation 9

  1. Regulation 9 of the principal Regulations is amended by:
    1. inserting the designation (1) immediately before the word “Where”;
    1. inserting immediately after the new sub-regulation (1) the following –

“(2) The Board shall retain twenty per cent of each monetary contribution to the Saint Lucia National Economic fund for the  marketing and promotion of the Citizenship-by-Investment  Programme.”.

Insertion of new regulation

  1. The principal Regulations are amended by inserting immediately after regulation l4, the following –

Oath of allegiance

  1. A successful applicant shall sign the oath of allegiance before an attorney-at-law, Consular Officer of Saint Lucia, Honorary Consul of Saint Lucia, Notary Royal or Notary Public.”.

Amendment of Schedule 1

  1. Schedule l of the principal Regulations is amended, in paragraph 1, by inserting in its proper sequence the following –

” Non-refundable administration fee –  Purchase of non-interest bearing Government Bonds US$ 50,0 00 “.

ent of Schedule 2

  1. Schedule 2 of the principal Regulations is a mended by deleting paragraph 1 and replacing the following –


Investment in the Saint Lucia National Economic Fund
On approval of an application by means of an investment in the Saint Lucia National Economic Fund, the following minimum investment is required:
Applicant applying alone US$100,000
Applicant applying with spouse US$165,000
Applicant applying with spouse and up to two other qualifying dependents US$190,000
Each additional qualifying dependent at any age US$25,000


The Citizenship-by-Investment Unit remains available to provide any additional information required.  

Please visit or email [email protected]


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