IMC Streaming: Investment Migration and COVID-19, What you need to know today
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Details of the first broadcast are as follows:
Investment Migration and COVID-19, What you need to know today
Wednesday, 8th April
14h30 Central European Summer Time (CEST)
During today’s broadcast, we will be hearing from investment migration experts around the world on the impact of COVID-19 in their regions.
Bruno L’ecuyer IMCM Cert IM, Chief Executive, Investment Migration Council, Switzerland
Nestor Alfred IMCM, CEO, Citizenship by Investment Unit & Chairman, CIPA, Saint Lucia
Edward Beshara IMCM, Managing Partner, Beshara Global Immigration, USA
James CMcG Johnston OBE, Director, Transcend Change Limited, UK
Jennifer Lai IMCM, Managing Partner, Henley & Partners, Hong Kong
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