Europe: EU Registered Around 100,000 Asylum Applications for 3 Consecutive Months in 2022


Published: 19 January 2023

A recent analysis published by the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) has estimated that around 107,300 asylum applications were filed in the EU+ in November of the last year, after similar numbers were already registered in September and October 2022.

According to EUAA, the number of applications lodged in November as well as in September and October, remained at the highest level seen since 2015-2016, mounting pressure on national systems, reports.

“Not seen since 2015-2016, the 100,000-mark of asylum applications lodged in EU+ countries was reached or exceeded in September, October, and November 2022. Syrians, Afghans and Turks continued to apply the most, but levels were high for a diverse set of nationalities,” the statement of the EUAA reads.

Data provided by EUAA show that in November 2022, the number of applications for every main applicant group was relatively high compared to the levels registered since 2017, after the refugee crisis.

It has been revealed that the highest number of asylum applications in November 2022 was lodged by nationals of Syria, Afghanistan, and Türkiye. During the before mentioned month, Syrians lodged around 17,700 asylum applications, Afghans lodged around 14,900 applications, and Turks lodged around 8,300 applications.

Nationals of Colombia, Venezuela, Bangladesh, Morocco, and Georgia also lodged a high number of asylum applications in November 2022. Colombians filed 4,900 applications, Venezuelans filed 4,800 applications, Bangladeshis filed 3,900 applications, Moroccans filed 3,100 applications, and Georgians filed 3,000 applications.

Apart from sharing the above-mentioned data, EUAA further revealed that a high number of Russians as well as Iranians also filed a high number of asylum applications in the EU+ in November 2022. Data show that for the third month in a row, nationals of Russia filed an increasing number of applications (2,300) – the highest number since 2016.

As for Iranians, it was disclosed that they filed around 2,000 asylum applications in November 2022 – the highest number since 2018.

“This could be a result of protests across the country in the wake of Mahsa Amini’s death in religious police custody in mid-September, as well as the execution of several Iranian protesters,” EUAA explained.

On the other hand, the number of asylum applications filed by nationals of Tunisia dropped to around 2,000 in November 2022 after increasing continuously throughout 2022.

In addition, EUAA revealed that in November 2022, the EU+ asylum authorities issued about 55,600 first-instance decisions. Regarding the EU+ recognition rate it was stressed that in November 2022 it was 39 per cent, with around 12,100 applicants being granted the status of refugee and another 9,600 receiving subsidiary protection.

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