European Union: EU Council of Ministers Adopts European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS)

The situation

The EU Council of Ministers has adopted the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS). The regulation will enter into force after the text is published in the EU Official Journal, which is expected to occur in the coming months, and the system is expected to be operational by 2021.

A closer look

  • Registration before travel. Under ETIAS, visa-exempt nationals would be required to register online before travelling to the European Union, allowing authorities to conduct background checks and, if necessary, deny entry authorization.
  • Process. Registration would be completed through an online application. Air and sea carriers would be required to check passengers’ travel authorization before boarding.


ETIAS will add an administrative step for visa-exempt nationals seeking to enter the Schengen Area but will add a layer of security for visa-exempt nationals who until then, do not need to obtain online clearance prior to travel.


ETIAS was proposed by the European Commission in November 2016. The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union agreed on their position in April 2018. ETIAS was initially scheduled to be operational by January 2020.

Looking ahead

Three years after its full operation, coach services organizing land transport will also be required to check passengers’ travel authorization using the ETIAS system.

This alert is for informational purposes only. If you have any questions, please contact the global immigration professional with whom you work at Fragomen or send an email to [email protected].

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