Welcome to the 2nd Crossing Borders of 2020, our on-line magazine publishing short and sharp articles for your reading pleasure.
Since our last issue in March our world has been turned upside down and we have all had to adapt to living with the SARS-Cov2 disease labelled a pandemic in mid-March by the WHO. Before introducing this editions’ articles, I wanted to remind our members of the changes the pandemic has forced upon us as an association and how we have reacted.
As soon as global travel grounded to a halt, we immediately set out to transform the way we communicate with our community by launching the IMC Streaming Service. Every week we host our live stream from our (now permanent) makeshift studio connecting our members and wider community together through a series of informative and educational discussions and presentations that are all available through our YouTube channel free to view. The 67 programmes have welcomed 201 speakers, and attracted 2,697 delegates from some 60+ countries. So successful have the broadcasts been that they are now a permanent fixture in our events calendar.
Additionally, we set about working to make our Certification in Investment Migration more accessible and introduced spectacular discounts for those wishing to get qualified. Over summer we have been working on the development of two new modules that will be launched in the fall as well as reinventing the current course into ‘bitesize’ learning options, our education and training portfolio keeps growing.
We also took the decision to postpone this year’s 5th anniversary Investment Migration Forum which had to take place in Brussels. Working with our friends at Visit Brussels we will be back in June 2021, and planning work will start in the fall.
Moreover, we are excited to announce that the 3rd edition of the leading industry publication – The IM Yearbook 2020/21 – is to be published in October. We are very excited about the significant improvements we will be making, ensuring this edition is even more special. If you would like to feature in this coming edition to raise your firm’s profile and reach a prime target audience of top industry influencers, contact us for more information.
In the meantime, we are working to make some important changes to our website’s functionality, we are in fact fast tracking updates we had planned to roll out in 2021, that will positively impact your visit to the site, many automated updates are being implemented that will greatly lessen the manual admin burden and each member will have access to new cutting edge features.
But enough about what the wonderful team of the IMC have been doing and now for a little information about the terrific articles in this ‘Covid-19’ issue. Contributors include Edward Beshara, who writes about HNWI Obtaining EB-5 U.S. Permanent Residency During the Pandemic, Eduard Petru Nedelcu shares his personal experiences and thoughts on immigration during the year of Covid-19 and Kevin Bürchler writes about the importance of protecting your health as a global citizen. And finally, an article by me that looks at Investment Migration and the State of Play In Europe.
Until we meet again, stay safe and healthy,
Bruno L’ecuyer
Chief Executive |