Welcome to the first 2021 Crossing Borders, your-on-line quarterly magazine bringing together a selection of curated short articles for you.
Last year was certainly challenging, nevertheless hope for a better year ahead is more realistic, with vaccines being rolled out amidst mass political mess ups in their acquisition and equitable distribution. Politicians, unfortunately, are people who, when they see the light at the end of the tunnel order more tunnel.
As you well know the IMC has reacted to the changes that were forced upon us in this past year and we have adapted to this new reality in which we transformed the way we communicate with our community. IMC Streaming, which continues to be a great success will continue into the year ahead, please take a look at this year’s Streaming schedule and mark your calendars to make sure you do not miss out.
I am also excited to share with you some terrific news. Following a number of discussions, we have decided to run a virtual 2021 edition of the Investment Migration Forum. After teaming up with one of the leading virtual events platforms globally – MeetingBox TV – we can assure you an ultimate virtual experience. As it has been for these past years, the Investment Migration Forum provides excellent opportunities to showcase your firm’s services to 300+ delegates from all over the globe. I therefore highly encourage you to keep an eye out on this space for news and updates about this year’s Forum!
During this first quarter our training unit, IMC Education & Training has launched its new training format, which includes the introduction of 2 new ‘bite-sized’ modules, prepared by top experts in the field, Zac Lucas and Kristin Surak. Have a look at our website for more information about these great learning opportunities that we are now offering.
And now let me introduce you to the interesting articles that were picked for this issue. . We start off with the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne, who gave us an interesting interview about the CIP in these challenging times. In the next article, Marie Lou Cutajar gives us an overview of the IMC Education & Training new format. We then proceed to an article written by Rogelio Caceres, who looks into American RCBI Investors and the huge market which is waiting to be explored. Rupert Gather, explains what’s driving immigration to the UK and looks at the country’s investment attraction in a post-Brexit world. Russell Scarcella and Karen Kelly co-authored an article about the importance of a comprehensive due-diligence regime in RCBI. Andres Solimano, in this issue’s last article, looks into how investment migration has the potential to advance the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.
I will now leave you to your reading and until we meet again, stay safe and healthy,
Bruno L’ecuyer
Chief Executive |